NGWA Focus Conference on Gulf Coast Groundwater Issues (#5010)

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NGWA Focus Conference on Gulf Coast Groundwater Issues (#5010)

The U.S. Gulf Coast has experienced more than its typical share of disasters in the past decade. Extreme weather events and manmade disasters have challenged the area regarding prudent water and groundwater management — too much, not enough where needed, or water quality challenges. Coastal and inland communities, as well as thriving urban centers, face continuing and variable challenges on how best to cope with large-scale catastrophes that threaten water resources from both the quality and quantity perspectives. Broken levees and storm surges can impart saltwater contamination or intrusion into local coastal groundwater supplies. Overpumping of groundwater for both water supplies and construction dewatering can induce subsidence in already-threatened lowland areas. Safe solid waste disposal for storm debris and construction waste is a challenge as multiple natural disasters stress landfills that were already near capacity. What technologies, new tools, and technological advancements can be applied to meet these challenges? And, as a result, what opportunities are being created for groundwater professionals in the Gulf Coast region?
