Protecting & Restoring Fresh Water Ecosystems

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Protecting & Restoring Fresh Water Ecosystems

Online Events: Accelerating action for freshwater ecosystems

For the last three years (2020-2022), GWP and Cap-Net UNDP, with the support of UNEP and UNDP and under the guidance of UNEP-DHI, have implemented a pilot project to help countries protect and restore freshwater ecosystems, with a focus on increasing awareness of environmental data available, capacity development, and action planning through multi-stakeholder engagement.

The project was implemented in  Argentina, Kazakhstan  and  Kenya , and has generated a lot of information about what works well. We are therefore holding two live events that will start in these countries’ learnings, and then open up into wide-ranging discussions on effective strategies for planning and making progress towards SDG target 6.6.

Accelerating Action Towards Target SDG 6.6: Protecting and Restoring Freshwater Ecosystems  will take place in two sessions with a shared agenda. Both will include interviews with representatives from the pilot countries, advice from an expanded circle of other key actors, and open discussions on how to effectively plan for freshwater ecosystem restoration and protection.

The  second session  will be on  Tuesday, 6 December, 14:00–15:15 (GMT+1) , in  English  and  Spanish . Here, country representatives from  Argentin a  will be at the mic and  experts  will provide further inputs on solutions for restoring and protecting freshwater ecosystems.

