Water Conference

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Water Conference

Water Conference 2024  

On the Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Water
17th Annual
Lisbon, Portugal
Chaired by Professor Gerald Pollack

October, 16th to 19th , 2024

Registration information
Conference Program

Albert Szent-Györgyi, Nobel laureate, often called the father of modern biochemistry, had plenty to say about water. Most famous: “Water is the matrix of life”; and “Life is water dancing to the tune of solids.” These oft-mentioned quotes typify the theme of the annual water conference. We focus on the fundamentals, right down to the core.

The Water Conference 2024 boasts several new features. Lisbon, is easily accessible, will encourage more participation, and is in accord with the high-level, international nature of the conference.

A word about the exhibitions. Water-related technologists can display their wares in a devoted hall. Conferees can wander, chat, network, and obtain information on the latest water-related technologies. Visit Exhibitor Info to learn about becoming an exhibitor.

Posters will continue as usual. An evening session (with wine, of course) will be reserved for looking at posters and speaking with presenters. Learn more.

Additional options are available, including taking a local tour of Lisbon and participating in a workshop.

And of course, some free time to wander and enjoy the local sights.

Dear friends and colleagues,

This year, if you can not come to Lisbon and join Water Conference in person, you can still be the part of the event! The registration for the Online Live Stream Event is now open!

Prof. Dr. Gerald Pollack welcomes you to the sixteenth Annual Water Conference – bold scientists, daring entrepreneurs, and curious individuals coming together furthering our frontier of understanding.

This year, we're happy to announce that we are offering the option to watch our live event ONLINE and follow the scientific presentations in real time.
We hope that by joining us online you will be able to experience the 'Water Conference Vibe' from afar and receive the latest research and information on the “Science of Water”, as it is being presented!

And if you miss any presentations, the recordings will be available afterwards to watch when you have time!
You can buy access to one of the conference days  ($199 each day)  or get a special rate for  all 4 days - $649.

In addition to that, we offer an early-bird discount. Register  before July 23rd  and we will waive 40% of the ticket price.
Use coupon code: wcf2024 
The code can only be applied if you select the access to all 4 days.
With this code and early registration, you can get access to all the presentations for  $389.40
We look forward to welcome you to our online event!
For more details, please visit our website

We also need your help with spreading the word about the event and finding new people who’d join Water Conference family. Please forward information to anyone who might be interested, subscribe to our Facebook group and Instagram page and share our content!
Looking forward to seeing you in October!
Best regards,
Water Conference Team

