XII World Aqua Congress 2018

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XII World Aqua Congress 2018

India is growing...practically in every aspect. At 7.2%, India is the fastest-growing large economy in the world today. At the same time, Indian economy is struggling with excessive population growth and changing water resource conditions. India faces major challenges in the water sector with the per capita availability going down and demand growing due to urbanisation and industrialisation. Inefficiency of water use in agriculture, over-exploitation of underground water and contamination are other issues associated with water management in the country. It can not be 'business-as-usual' if India has to meet food and water demand and aspirations of its growing population. Smart solutions are urgently needed to holistically address to ensure adequate water supply for a growing India.

Water use efficiency includes any measure that reduces the amount of water used per unit of any given activity, consistent with the maintenance or enhancement of water quality. Water use efficiency has a clear role to play in sustainable development, in other words, the use of the earth's resources by today's inhabitants while assuring that future generations have sufficient capacity to meet their own needs. Improving the efficiency of resource use comprises one means of meeting sustainable development goals.

The objective of the XII World Aqua Congress is to bring various stakeholders on a common platform, deliberate on issues linked to water use efficiency, discuss inclusion of these solutions in policy framework and work towards ensuring a more sound future for the world we leave to our children. Accordingly, the Congress is targeted at scientists, practitioners, and technological innovators, as well as policy and decision-makers, financial stakeholders and investors, legal and regulatory specialists, and groups involved in capacity building.

The conference is being organized along with exhibition on water technology. Various new technologies have emerged for efficient use of water, water management, waste water treatment, distribution, desalination, recycling, re-use etc., and exhibition provides a platform for display of these technologies.

