Ana Pires
Ana Pires is graduated (BEng) in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering from School of Engineering (ISEP), Polytechnic of Porto (Portugal). She has also a post-graduation on GIS at University of Porto and a Master Engineering degree (Geotechnics) at University of Aveiro (UA). She has a European Doctorate, entitled: "Integrated geoengineering approaches for maritime coastal environments" PhD in Geosciences (Geological Ressources and Geomaterials Area), from the University of Aveiro and Porto. She has worked as a researcher at the Centre GeoBioTec|UA and the Laboratory of Cartography and Applied Geology|ISEP. In the last years, published several proceedings/articles in national and/or international journals, such as Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, Journal of Coastal Research, Environmental Earth Sciences, Continental Shelf Research, Maritime Engineering, Marine Georesources & Geotechnology as well as oral communications on numerous international conferences. The research interests tend to be focused mainly around the following themes: Coastal Engineering, Geomaterials, Applied Cartography and GIS applications to Geosciences and Integrated Coastal Zones Management and Rock Geoengineering Techniques. Presently she is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Centre for Robotics and Autonomous Systems|CRAS in INESCTEC, involved in several projects related to sea mining/marine mining.Information
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- Location: Porto, Portugal
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Industry experience
Education: PhD
Seniority: Expert, Engineer, Consultant
Years of experience: 10 to 20 years
Work experience
Post-Doctoral Researcher
2017-07-05 - Present
- Instrumentation
- Hydraulics
- GIS & Remote Sensing Technology
- Inspection technology