Clare Dooley, Employee at Strathkelvin Instruments

Clare Dooley, Employee at Strathkelvin Instruments


I came into wastewater accidentally and have been totally consumed since. I'm fascinated by the biology of it all and am beyond excited by the huge innovation that has taken place in Strathkelvin to glean all the necessary information from the treatment process, to optimise the whole process. The development of our ASP-Con over the past 7 years has been much more than a labour of love! It's been a huge learning curve and the end product is astounding. A 20+ parameter, self-cleaning, self-calibrating, no ragging, 24/7 remote monitoring tool. Capable of total plant control, with the ability to reduce aeration energy by 49% whilst ensuring compliance. With the potential to target 1% of the global energy draw used in WWT aeration. The ASP-Con has significant potential to cut carbon emissions, substantially cut energy usage and improve Big Data gathering to further optimise the treatment and resilience of the wastewater treatment process.


Work experience
