Constantin Radu Gogu, Ph.D.

Constantin Radu Gogu, Ph.D.


I am a full professor specialized in Water Resources Engineering with 20 years of international experience as a project manager in countries as Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, Greece, and Romania. Currently, I am the Deputy Chair of the Groundwater Management Specialist Group-International Water Association (IWA).

I obtained my Ph.D. in Applied Sciences at the University of Liege (Belgium), I worked as Post-Doctoral Senior researcher (2000 - 2005) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH, Zurich) and as Senior Researcher (2005 - 2010) at the Polytechnic University of Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain) as I obtained a Research Grant of Excellency “ Ramon y Cajal” from the Spanish Ministry of Research.


The activities that shaped my career were performed within several environmental projects with strong research components in urban water, groundwater resources, environment protection, natural hazards, and risk assessment. My current activity focuses on urban groundwater studies. I initiated and developed the Bucharest city urban groundwater model that is currently used as a city-scale background to implement sustainable drainage systems.


Industry experience

Education: PhD

Seniority: Manager, Director, Professor

Years of experience: 20 years or above

Work experience
