Fisicoquímicos EDAR

Fisicoquímicos EDAR


Fisicoquímicos EDAR, abbreviated as FQEDAR, is a young but experienced company dedicated to external advice on the control, monitoring, operation and optimization of both urban and industrial wastewater treatment plants.

Specialized in the optimization of the active sludge process through bioindication and cost savings in the WWTP.

Comprehensive services and studies in both wastewater treatment and sludge treatment and in the purification of groundwater thanks to numerous agreements and joint work with other specialized companies in the sector.

Carrying out on-site technical assistance and advice both in the WWTP and in environmentally-friendly industries and collaborating on R + D + i projects and programs in both public and private entities.


Industry experience

Education: PhD

Seniority: Board director, CEO, COO, CFO, President, Provost

Years of experience: 5 to 10 years
