Francisco Febronio Peña, Research Associate at WARREDOC

Francisco Febronio Peña, Research Associate at WARREDOC


Flood Risk & GIS Professional from Mexico living in Italy.

Young passionate professional in the field of disaster risk reduction, hydraulic modelling, flooding, GIS, digital mapping, big data, technology, innovation, citizen science and scientific communication.

CEO of Communicating Disaster Risk Reduction Science and more. The initiative focuses on explaining in an easy-friendly way key concepts within the Disaster Risk Reduction umbrella, the progress and challenges in the field and its growing importance at the global scale to raise public awareness. Citizens around the world are tired of the political and scientific argot. They deserve to be informed; therefore the scientific community and water professionals must break communication barriers and find creative ways to explain what is going on in the world.


Industry experience

Education: PhD

Seniority: Expert, Engineer, Consultant

Years of experience: 1 to 5 years

Work experience
