Hung Bui, Graduate Student. 1-year experience in water and wastewater sectors.

Hung Bui, Graduate Student. 1-year experience in water and wastewater sectors.


About my background, basically, a number of core studies and projects at Metropolia provided me a strong basis on different water and wastewater treatment technologies. Then, it was my Bachelor thesis I strongly believe to be accordant to water treatment knowledge. The thesis was about testing VOxFlotation, a new flotation technology developed by SansOx Ltd in Finland which can be utilized to remove suspended solids lake water. Various knowledge relating water treatment engineering has been practiced properly from this thesis. That is the primary reason I believe I have sufficient understanding for basic requirements at this position.

In more advance, I have a special interest, deep understanding as well as practical experience in designing (utilizing AutoCAD) and operating activated sludge system. In my first internship at Colusa-Miliket Company, I was trained properly as a wastewater treatment process engineer. The main tasks were to operate a small activated sludge system (100m3/day), detect operational problems, and make control or corrective actions
when necessary to make the system run smoothly and maintain the effluent to be clean. Different tasks, such as: measuring sludge index, adjusting the waste sludge rate by adjust the suitable valves, controlling the air blow machines, monitoring the finished water quality, feeding the chemicals, and cleaning the treatment units were practiced continuously every day during the trainee, which required strong understandings in activated sludge principles as well as basic knowledge in pumps and valves. Besides, waste sludge treatment tasks, such as operating the sludge thickening and dewatering machines, were also included. Different engineering skills were learnt from this, so I believe this is the most relevant and valuable trainee. Then, my second internship was conducted at a water analysis laboratory, which provided me basic laboratory skills in analyzing different contaminants in wastewater, such as: Nitrogen, phosphorus, BOD, and COD. Meanwhile, the final internship at SansOx Ltd in Finland let me have a good chance to touch another fields: technical sales, but also relating to water technologies. I played an important role in cooperation between SansOx and Vietnam companies when SansOx would like to expand their business and seek for new customers in Asia


Industry experience

Education: Bachelor

Seniority: Expert, Engineer, Consultant

Years of experience: 1 to 5 years

Work experience
