Ioan Bica, Professor at Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest
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Industry experience
Education: PhD
Seniority: Manager, Director, Professor
Years of experience: 20 years or above
Work experience
Design and development of training programs: improvement of infrastructure projects in accordance with international criteria (including PRAG procedures). Trainer in the project: Strengthening Capacity in Environmental Project Development in Romania (DFID – CFPPDA); Courses in the field of EnvironmeRomanian Water Association
2000 - 2001
Short term consultant
Environment engineering consultant (planner) for ISPA project: Rehabilitation of Water Supply and Sewerage network in Cluj Napoca; ensure the monitoring and implementation of the technical project in accordance with EU and Romanian legislation and regulations; periodical reports concerning the stage2000 - 2001
Design Engineer
Studies and projects in: water resources management; water erosion control; drainage networks; Designing and implementing programs for land and urban area flood prediction, prevention and protection; design projects in the field of river canalization, land reclamation, water management.Water Management Office, Bucharest
1973-09 - 1976-06
Teaching the Hydraulics, Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Urban Hydrology, Ecology, Environmental Engineering, Environmental policies and management Research and design activity: environmental impact assessment, strategic environment assessment, environmental balances; technical projects: water management,Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest
1977-06 - Present
- Engineering
- Environment
- Water Monitoring
- Hydromorphology
- Infrastructure
- water, wastewater, reclaimed water, water resources planning
- Water Conservation
- Water Quality Research
- Environmental Regulation Management
- Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Wastewater