Jan Verwater, International Sales Manager at Prime Solutions

Jan Verwater, International Sales Manager at Prime Solutions



TwinOxide-USA Inc.

3700 N Courtenay Pkwy, unit 110-112
Merritt Island, FL 32953

Off : 321-207-8524
Fax : 321-207-8525
Cell : 734-218-0863



Microbiological and Chemical Advantages

• Powerful organic oxidizing agent and free radical with residual disinfection capacity;

• Effective against all water-borne microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi and yeast);

• Very short contact time ( 2-10 Minutes);

• Long residual disinfection capacity (up to 72 hours)

• High efficiency in the removal of iron and manganese compounds;

• Destroys algae-related taste and odor compounds;

• Higher yield (up to 260% more oxidation output compared to Chlorine);

• Effectively removes biofilms;

• Steady bacterial efficacy within a broad pH bandwith, ( pH 4 to pH 11)

• Doesn't modify the pH level;

• No build-up of resistance in any microorganisms.


Economic advantages

• More disinfection, less chemistry;

• No investment in a conventional CLO2 generator;

• No CLO2 generator maintenance and re-certification;

• Less security measures;

• Lower risk and liability insurance policy;

• Less training, certification and re-certification of qualified personel;

• Environmental health & safety factors;

• Lower hazardous material transportation costs;

• No additional chemicals required to correct pH levels;

• Higher material tolerance;

• No corrosion;


Health and environmental advantages

• Unlike Chlorine, TwinOxide® does not react with ammonia, ammonium;

• Eco-friendly, no undesirable residues;

• Single-product water cleaner and conditioner;

• Effective against airborne pathogens when "misted";

• Does not generate THM's, HAA's, AOX with toxic or carcinogenic properties;

Delivery mechanism

• 5 years guaranteed shelf life powder form;

• Solution is stable for 30 days (in required conditions);

• Easy to apply (standard industrial dosage equipment);

• High solubility in water, can be applied in a very short time;

• Up to 72 hour biocidal life when added to water;

• Produces CLO2;

• High yield;


Industry experience

Education: M.B.A

Seniority: Board director, CEO, COO, CFO, President, Provost

Years of experience: 20 years or above

Work experience