Mark Holmes, Water Resources Manager

Mark Holmes, Water Resources Manager


I have 15 years of Arizona water law and policy knowledge and more than 10 years of experience as a water resources department director, advisor and manager for very large, medium, and small municipalities. Also, I have extensively dealt with Arizona’s urban and rural water policy and political issues, and East and West Valley issues, and have extensive knowledge for both SRP and CAP districts and am well suited to hit the ground running. I am currently the vice-chair of the WESTCAPS organization and have served 5 years on the Water Resources Advisory Group with AMWUA and sat upon AMWUA’s Managers Board.  I served for several years on the Northern Arizona Municipal Water Users Associations (NAMWUA) Board of Directors which has honed my leadership abilities in facilitating common ground within diverse water related interests. 


Industry experience

Education: Masters

Seniority: Manager, Director, Professor

Years of experience: 20 years or above

Work experience
