Max Leman, Research Fellow, hydrologist at Institute of Georaphy and Water Security, Kazakhstan

Max Leman, Research Fellow, hydrologist at Institute of Georaphy and Water Security,  Kazakhstan


In 2007  entered the "Forest, land and Water resources department" of the Kazakh National Agrarian University.  Had my bachelor degree in "Water Resources Management" in 2011. At this year  entered the Geographical Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.  Graduateed with a Ms Sc. degree in "Hydrology". In 2012, was recommended by the Faculty stuff as Lead Engineer to Institute of Geography. Started work in laboratory of  "Water supply of natural and economic systems and mathematical modeling." In 2012 Successfully finished International internship Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Cyprus on "Hydrobiology and Marine Enviroments", worked  on "Developing water resources management in southern Kazakhstan" project with the Aberystwyth University, UK in 2015. Successfully finished an internship in Geography Department of Aberystwyth Univesity, UK.


Industry experience

Education: Masters

Seniority: VP, Exec VP, MD, Dean, General Manager, Business Unit Manager

Years of experience: 10 to 20 years

Work experience
