Prince Prakash Jeba Kumar J, Scientist at National Institute of Ocean Technology

Prince Prakash Jeba Kumar J, Scientist at National Institute of Ocean Technology


A Marine biologist is in the mission of understanding the marine ecosystem and perceive the expressions of nature. Intend to reveal the secrets of our oceans' remarkable power to handle the insatiable human endeavours of exploitation and providing resources liberally with a challenge, having a vision of developing eco-friendly technology by mimicking natural ecosystem process and demonstrate.

As a scientist involved in assessing ocean technology activities' eco-friendly nature and achieving green inventiveness in coastal engineering by carrying out many marine environmental impact assessment studies, Bioshield developed through Tetrapot technology and drew pollution management plans through waste load allocation studies. In the current scenario, economic development needs a flagship of eco-friendly technology. The conceived technologies like beach well for plankton free seawater to mitigate climate change impact disasters by enhancing photosynthetic reactions, enabling the release of more oxygen & consumption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This technology also prevents fish fecundity loss (eggs & Larvae) leads to the enhancement of national capture fishery and alien free ballast water for the shipping industry to prevent the spread of invasive alien species (IAS) worldwide. Further, the plankton/microbe-free feed water intake point enables predator-free seawater to be intensive/semi-intensive aquaculture forms. It allows improved yield and is less prone to microbial diseases from intake water bodies like sea/river/tanks. Microbially induced calcium precipitation (MICP) shall be utilized for shoreline stabilization as a non-conventional technology. Enhancing epibiota on coastal erosion protection structures and artificial reef modules produced inshore fishery for small scale artisanal fishers. They aided as carbon sinks are some critical findings in the scientific carrier.


Industry experience

Education: PhD

Seniority: Expert, Engineer, Consultant

Years of experience: 20 years or above

Work experience
