Protima Rauwel, PhD, CEO at PRO-1 NANOSolutions
A water filter based on sand and nanomaterials that removes heavy metal ions, radioactive elements, organics, aromatics and microbes from contaminated water. This filter has been developed after 9 years of R&D. The filter is recyclable after use and respects the circular economy principles. On recycling the sand is reused and the metals obtained as a result of extraction can be sold on the market. Our filter even degrades organics and aromatics and has anti-microbial qualities. We provide a cost-effective solution to decontaminate water based on 99% natural materials viz., sand. The technology is cost-effective, within everyone's reach with a positive impact on the economy and the climate creating a huge socio-economic impact. Also we ensure the sustainability of a natural resource like water by providing a sustainable product. Other resource recovery includes recovery of metals thereby making mining more efficienInformation
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- Location: Estonia
Industry experience
Education: PhD
Seniority: Board director, CEO, COO, CFO, President, Provost
Years of experience: 1 to 5 years
Work experience
Condensed matter physics2002 - 2005
Nanomaterials characterization2006 - 2009
Thermoelectric materials2009 - 2010
Nanomaterials2010 - 2012
Carbon based nanomaterials2013-08 - 2015
Senior Researcher
Water purification and photovoltaics usuing nanotechnologyTallinn University of technology
2016-09 - 2018-08
Senior Researcher
Estonian University of Life sciences
2018 - Present
- Present
- Water Distillation
- Water & Wastewater
- Water
- Water & Wastewater