Víctor Martínez Pés, Ingeniero de obras marítimas en INCREA

Víctor Martínez Pés, Ingeniero de obras marítimas en INCREA


I am a (graduated) Civil Engineer focussed on hydraulic and maritime engineering. Since July 2014 I have been working in the design of port infrastructure (breawkaters, quays and jetties) and submerged pipelines (of seawater desalination plants, wastewater plants and energy facilities) at INCREA.

My home university is la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, where I enrolled in September 2008. There I have acquired a wide background of all branches of civil engineering, which I decided to complement with a deeper insight into coastal, hydraulic and port engineering at TU Delft (the Netherlands) as an exchange student (Erasmus Programme) during the academic year 2012-13. Besides focussing on the cited fields, at TU Delft I did my Thesis on validation of SWASH for wave overtopping ("Applicability and Limitations of the SWASH model to predict Wave Overtopping"). I graduated in February 2014 when I defended my graduation project about the reinforcement of the outer breakwater of Bilbao harbour (Spanish northern coast) because of the new wave conditions ("Proyecto de refuerzo del dique de Punta Lucero ante las nuevas condiciones de oleaje").


Industry experience

Education: Masters

Seniority: Expert, Engineer, Consultant

Years of experience: 1 to 5 years
