Wout-Jan Koridon, Consultative facilitator at Synnexus

Wout-Jan Koridon, Consultative facilitator at Synnexus



INNOVATION: CONNECTIONS AND SYNERGY The complex challenges and issues of today, the transitions we’re in, call for innovation in collaboration: new vision and ways of organizing work, new leadership and business models, new technology, products and services. To intensify, catalyze, scale up on the level where we can have societal and economic impact on the various domains of change.  These changes need new guidance, new methods such as co-creation and a rich palette of connections. It means (creating) space for new perspectives, shared purposes, and therefore also the engagement of more stakeholders and expertise in the collaboration on these tasks. That collaboration urges more competence to connect, to weave different values, drivers and goals in order to achieve the synergy and results we need.

SYNNEXUS works, building on insight and experience with innovations and new ways of collaborative work, for that synergy through connection.  The approach is integral, with attention to the various human, transformative and organisational aspects.

Program management, Community orchestration, Process facilitation, Project guidance


Industry experience

Education: PhD

Seniority: Expert, Engineer, Consultant

Years of experience: 20 years or above

Work experience
