Write Support

Write Support


Chinthaka Nanayakkara is a former Brand Ambassador of Sweek which is a mobile writing platfom based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

He is the Creator and the Chief Organizer of a unique type of writing projects call WRIPES which are based on International Days recognized by United Nations.

His sixth writing project (WRIPE-6) evolved to a 33,000 word e-book https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1054496

Chinthaka is a guest blogger in https://www.ouruniverseforkids.com and https://www.spacekidzindia.in

WRIPE-7 is currently underway focusing on WORLD WATER DAY 2021 and if you are interested in trying your luck to be picked up as a potential author, please contact Chinthaka at: writesupp@gmail.com

His YouTube channel: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCGh9RDEloDpkWLeJZrsWNtg/videos

Chinthaka lives in Colombo, Sri Lanka.


Work experience
