Agri Regulatory Services


The Company is involved in the preparation and processing of Agricultural Product Registrations  and Registration Renewal Applications for South Africa and other SADC Countries in terms of the requirements of int. all. RSA & Namibia Act 36 of 1947. They also process RSA Import Permit Applications for Agricultural Products in terms of the requirements of the RSA Act 36 of 1947 and 1983. Products are (but not restricted to) General Fertiliser Products inclusive of Organic Based Fertilisers and Bio-fertilisers.

They also perform pre-inspection audits on manufacturing facilities, initiation of QA & QC systems as well as the development of process flow diagrams.

The Company also offers a Trade Mark Registration Service to its clients ensuring that their IP is protected and int. all;  that acceptable product names are chosen for product registration applications.

Carbon Fertilisation Technology.