


We use the latest AI and data science to manage information and create insights for businesses such as Jaguar Land Rover, Anglian Water, Rolls-Royce, Northumbrian Water and Liberty to name a few. We’re also a really down-to-earth, friendly bunch of experts who love a BBQ and a natter round the campfire (our legendary Aiimi camping trip is always a good laugh!)

We’re obsessed with creating ways in which technology and AI can manage your information intuitively, so you can be free you to do your job better, smarter and quicker. You could be a Chief Data Officer worried about risky sensitive information scattered across your network drives, or an employee wading through folder after folder looking for that one file you need. Our tools make sure you get the information you need the moment you need it, whether it’s stored in the cloud, in a network drive, or in a long-forgotten folder.

Besides our super talented consultants, we also have our own IP called InsightMaker. InsightMaker enables ordinary folk to do extraordinary things – like access detailed data science analytics at the touch of a button, discover sensitive files for GDPR, manage assets intelligently and make your entire enterprise searchable. With lightning-fast response times, customers can securely search across millions of structured and unstructured data sets to find valuable information that was previously hidden or at risk of a data breach.

