Bactacult Bioculture Anaerobic

Published on by for Amalgam Biotech

Bactacult Bioculture Anaerobic

Bacta Cult (Anaerobic) is a mixture of different natural and safe bacteria. These bacteria have ability to degrade number of pollutants anaerobically. Bacteria present in Bacta Cult (Anaerobic) are highly stable. This anaerobic bacteria is available in powdered form.

Bacta Cult (Anaerobic) are microencapsulated and packaged in a dormant state and have a 95% to 98% reactivation rate within their shelf life, which is two years. Each individual strain is isolated from the nature and carefully grown in our facility. Only a perfectly balanced formula of bacterial strains, such as Bacta Cult (Anaerobic) can provide you a complete breakdown of various pollutants to non-toxic by-products.

