


Aquaporin A/S is a global cleantech company located in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Aquaporin is dedicated to revolutionising water purification by means of industrial biotech techniques and thinking. The use of biotechnological principles in a technological context is a novel upcoming field with large commercial perspectives.

The main strategy is to develop the Aquaporin Inside™technology capable of separating and purifying water from all other compounds. Primary market focus includes industrial water treatment, treatment of difficult wastewater streams and other niche segments where the Aquaporin Inside™technology closes a technological gap in today's water treatment. 

Today Aquaporin has developed a disruptive technology, which has been utilized into the next generation of reverse osmosis and forward osmosis membranes. The technology is the foundation for our development of an RO membrane with 50% higher flux, improved rejection to unwanted compounds and a significantly higher recovery compared to conventional RO membranes. 

