arche noVa.eV
-Representing arche noVa in West Africa
-Management of West Africa Regional Office incl. Security, HR, Finance, Public Relations, Knowledge Management, Logistics, M&E etc.
-Strategic Leadership - development and implementation of Regional Strategic Plan
-Monitoring and evaluating of projects which are implemented by local partner organizations
-Training and capacity development of local partners
-Providing specialised technical expertise for the humanitarian and developmental context (WASH, health, education, agricultural development, food security/nutrition, livelihoods, gender, protection, emergency relief)
-Development of portfolio, resource mobilization, programme/ project development
-Funding: Humanitarian pool fund, UN OCHA, EU WFP, UNICEF, BMZ/GIZ, KFW, German Relief Fund
Networking, cooperation and coordination e.g. UN clusters, consortiums.
I manage a total budget of around $ 2.5 million (sponsorship, private and grant funding).