Hydro-Optic™ UV - Atlantium Technologies

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Hydro-Optic™ UV - Atlantium Technologies

Atlantium Technologies Ltd. is a global leader in UV treatment solutions for municipal, industrial and ballast water applications. Atlantium's Hydro-Optic™ (HOD) UV system is a proven and effective alternative to chemically based treatment technologies. Atlantium’s patented “Total Internal Reflection” technology recycles UV light energy within the HOD UV chamber. The HOD UV system is unique in its ability to automatically and efficiently maintain a UV dose to meet application-specific needs. Atlantium's solutions are field-proven globally and validated to the highest regulatory standards including EPA, FDA and PMO. The HOD UV technology can economically and effectively achieve non-chemical disinfection, dechlorination, or oxidation and treatment of aquatic invasive species. For more information, visit Atlantium.com.

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