Berliner Wasserbetriebe

Berliner Wasserbetriebe


Water  - an important resource that people need to live and that surrounds Berlin in sufficient quantity. This important resource must also be protected for future generations.

As for drinking and household use our water needs no further treatment. Our sophisticated waste water treatment, the large water conservation areas in the city, as well as the soil layers which clean the water in a natural way, ensure good groundwater quality. In our waterworks we reduce only the amount of contained iron and manganese, which affect the taste and the water colour, but are not hazardous. No chemicals are added. This means our drinking water is 100% natural.

Die Berliner Wasserbetriebe sichern die Trinkwasserversorgung für 3,5 Millionen Berlinerinnen und Berliner und reinigen das Abwasser mit modernster und innovativer Technik. Wasser ist ein Naturprodukt, das wir in einem Wasserwirtschaftskreislauf nutzen. Wir legen unser besonderes Augenmerk auf das gleichermaßen ökologische, ökonomische und sozial nachhaltige Management dieses Wasserkreislaufs.

