Bingham & Taylor Corp

Bingham & Taylor Corp


We design and manufacture the finest quality curb and valve boxes in America. 
As the original manufacturer and patent holder of the robust "Buffalo-style" valve box, we use only the highest quality metal and plastic materials to craft superior products that are reliable, and, wherever possible, interchangeable.

Bingham & Taylor is founded in a rich history of service and quality. 
We combine ability... with agility! - to deliver the products you need quickly. Our ability to design and manufacture custom orders is unmatched. We own our own foundry, and also have extensive blow molding capacity, so quality is precisely controlled, and so is scheduling.  No manufacturer can respond more quickly or more capably to your requests for custom products, special volumes, or short lead times.

Our research and development team is continuously evolving new product ideas to serve the utility marketplace.

Most recently, we introduced the MARK V heavy traffic valve box - a new cast iron replacement to conventional concrete boxes with a lower TCO. You might also be interested in our Buffalo brand "No Vac" Valve Box Sealed System, which reduces valve actuation time and prevents contamination, and Frost-Proof Meter Frame and Cover Sets for use in colder climates requiring deeper bury.

Bingham & Taylor works with water and gas utilities, their contractors and distributors to provide standard and custom products that inform, protect, mitigate risks, and, thanks to extensive casting capability, solve specific product challenges.

Our commitment is to supply products that provide highest reliability over a long service life, are easy to install, and that help utilities control costs, and avoid complaints.

