Sludge Dewatering

Published on by for BLUEWIN Co., Ltd.

Sludge Dewatering

How about 'Sludge treatment'?

ELODE extracts both free and absorbed water from the sludge producing a final dehydrated product with a moisture content of less than 40~60% (i.e. greater than 40%~60 dry solids content). This ensures maximum dehydration performance with minimum environ- mental impact.

ELODE system is

  1. No Competitor! in the World for Sludge Dewatering
  2. 30%wt (70% ds) Guarantee! for most of WWTP sludge characteristics.
  3. 0.25kWh/ liter water removed! ( Lowest Energy Consumption)!
  4. 12months Recovery of Investment ( Faster ROI)
  5. World Lowest Operating Expenditure!
  6. World Lowest Capital Expenditure!


It is very Simple Flow sheet combined with Beltpress/ Decanter/ Thickener/ Screwpress/ other mechanical machine+ELODE+ NVD(Natural Ventilation Dryer)--> Cakeout less 30% wt.



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Now we are looking for a leading business partner who’s interested in “Wastewater Sludge Dewatering, Sludge Reduction or Sludge renewable energy”

 Please keep in touch at your convenient time after the preview of our website:


