BRL Ingénierie (BRLI) is a consulting firm
offering specialised services in areas related to water, the environment and regional land-use management.
Employing over 200 people (see Resources ), BRL Ingénierie works in France and in over 80 other countries in the world, for state authorities, private companies, local authorities and international funding organisations.
BRL Ingénierie is a subsidiary company belonging to the BRL Group , originally founded in 1955 to support the economic development of the Languedoc-Roussillon region in southern France by designing, building and managing large-scale water infrastructure. BRLi is a concentration of Group expertise in engineering services and consultancy based on over 50 years of hands-on experience operating infrastructure and irrigation schemes, managing urban networks, organizing projects and providing institutional support or assistance to asset managers and project owners.
BRLI ’s clients benefit from a wide range of services from preliminary studies to technical assistance, design and construction engineering, and training for operators and users.
BRLI has ISO 9001 certification.
- Website:
- Environmental Consulting
- Consultant
- Environmental Engineers & Consultants