East Bay Dischargers Authority

East Bay Dischargers Authority


EBDA is a Joint Powers Public Agency made up of the City of San LeandroOro Loma Sanitary DistrictCastro Valley Sanitary DistrictCity of Hayward, and Union Sanitary District. EBDA also provides service by contract to the Livermore-Amador Valley Water Management Agency, serving the Cities of Pleasanton and Livermore and Dublin San Ramon Services District.

From East Bay homes and businesses, sewage flows to our Member Agencies’ wastewater treatment plants. Following treatment, EBDA pumps the clean water from the plants to a dechlorination facility, where chlorine is removed prior to discharge. The water then flows through a seven-mile outfall into the deepest part of San Francisco Bay. An average of 60 million gallons flow through EBDA’s outfall every day into the Bay. During winter storms, flows can increase to 189 million gallons per day.

EBDA also works with regional partners to improve the East Bay shoreline’s resilience to the effects of climate change, including sea level rise. More information on our horizontal levee projects can be found here.

