Circeaulair - The sustainable water supplier for your company

Published on by for Ekopak

Circeaulair - The sustainable water supplier for your company


Does your company consume a lot of water? And would you like to switch to a sustainable water source? Then Circeaulair is the perfect solution! Because treated wastewater is an excellent source for various industrial applications.

Ekopak, Aquafin & EPICo² have joined under the name Circeaulair . Together, we ensure the provision of treated wastewater that can be distributed to your company or business park.

In concrete terms, the effluent coming from Aquafin’s wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), is converted into process water for industrial purposes. This is done through a water treatment installation which Ekopak will install close to Aquafin’s WWTP. From here, a new pipeline network will be created, transporting the process water directly to the company or the business park. This pipeline network will ensure the supply of recycled process water.


“With Circeaulair, we give companies the opportunity to fully switch to sustainable, circular water. Together, we prepare companies for the future and we ensure that they are much less vulnerable in times of water scarcity. There is a great deal of interest in this project. We are honoured that the Flemish Government supports initiatives like Circeaulair.”  -Pieter Loose, CEO Ekopak


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