Envirogen Technologies
Envirogen Technologies, Inc. (Envirogen) pairs technology with process guarantees and support services for the treatment of groundwater, wastewater, process improvement, resource recovery and odor control.
We provide:
- Wellhead treatment solutions for potable groundwater sources contaminated with organic and inorganic compounds.
- Biological treatment systems for groundwater remediation, industrial wastewater treatment, nutrient reduction, potable water production and vapor phase treatment to reduce odors or control VOC emissions.
- Patented ion exchange technology for industrial process and wastewater streams to improve production costs and recover precious metals.
- Vessel exchange and mobile treatment capabilities linked with a central regeneration and media processing facility located in Memphis, Tennessee, to serve a broad array of manufacturing needs related to process water and metals recovery.
Our approach to serving our customers is founded upon:
- Taking part in developing the treatment objective, selecting the best technical and financial solution, supplying equipment, providing installation and operational support services to ensure that the proper melding of capital and operating cost considerations are built into the project.
- Delivering predictable treatment and financial results, including the potential for sharing operating cost risk via a long-term relationship, to ensure that the lifecycle cost objectives are achieved.
Markets served to include municipal water and wastewater, chemical manufacturing and hydrocarbon processing, mining, food and beverage, and a broad range of manufacturing activities.
We are headquartered in Kingwood, Texas, with regional offices in Southern California, Illinois, New Jersey and Tennessee.
- Website: http://www.envirogen.com
- Location: Kingwood, United States
- Water
- Wastewater Use
- Treatment
- Filtration
- Technology
- Wastewater Treatment
- Filtration Solutions
- Wastewater Collection
- Groundwater
- Membrane Technology
- Filtration
- Remediation