| Filiberto Altobelli is an Agronomist and a research scientist at the Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA). He worked since 2015 as Agricultural Expert for the Permanent Representative Diplomatic Mission of Italy to UN Rome—based Agencies (FAO, IFAD, WFP and Biodiversity International). He is involved in research on sustainability of environment and economy of natural resources in agriculture, agronomy and field crops. His research interests are mainly related to agricultural meteorology, and to advancing the sustainable use of soil and water resources, as well as natural resource policy and economy focused at sustainable agricultural productivity growth. Filiberto Altobelli received his PhD in improvement and management of agricultural resources and forests from University of Naples Federico II, Napoli, Italy, and M.Sc in Agriculural Science and Tecnology from Tuscia University. |
| Olivier Barreteau is a senior water scientist at INRAE, and Director of the UMR G-EAU in Montpellier. He has about 25 years of experience of interdisciplinary research at the interface between hydrology, modelling, and management sciences in projects on local water governance, using social simulation with participatory agent based modelling and role playing games in France, Senegal and Thailand. His recent works focus on joint adaptive management of land and water in the frame of global changes with issues of interdependences between local adaptation plans. He is committed to interdisciplinary research, keeping a strong link between policy makers, water users and research on the long term. |
| Cristina Petracchi heads the FAO elearning Academy. She manages and coordinates the design, development, delivery and language adaptations of an extensive portfolio of elearning courses and blended learning programmes for the benefit of FAO member countries, and is responsible for the creation of University Masters' and Post Graduate Degree Programmes. She engages actively in consolidating partnerships across United Nations agencies, academic institutions and universities, regional organizations, CSOs and NGOs, for capacity development initiatives. In addition to a University Degree in Biological Sciences, Ms Petracchi holds a PhD in Nutrition and Food Science, and has several years of experience of capacity development activities, in a number of countries. |