GC Solutions Inc.

GC Solutions Inc.


GC Solutions water treatment products and systems are designed to protect the environment and improve businesses economics. We provide game-changing technologies to promote global water security by making recycling profitable for water-intensive operations. Our challenge, and our privilege, is to change the way the world treats water.

GC Solutions regularly engages with industry partners to develop game-changing solutions for specific water treatment challenges. We protect several trade secrets related to rapid separation and filtration of solids, oils, and unwanted contaminates. Our scalable technology spans variations of the proprietary Amagel™ polymer itself, and provides inspiration for advancements in water treatment equipment and facility design.

GC Solutions provides direct water treatment and recycling services, and licensed access to the proprietary Amagel™ water cleaning polymer. GC Solutions and Amagel™ will reduce material costs, and reduce the size and energy footprint for operations that produce or manage high-volumes of wastewater.

– Oil & Gas treatment of drilling mud and produced water for reuse
– Industrial clean-in-place and process water recycling
– Mining wastewater treatment with removal of harmful heavy metals
– Municipal treatment with lower costs and rapidly dried sludge
