Graphene Flagship

Graphene Flagship


Funded by the European Commission in 2013, the Graphene Flagship has brought graphene innovation out of the lab and into commercial applications. Bringing diverse competencies from nearly 170 academic and industrial partners in 22 countries together, the Graphene Flagship facilitates cooperation between its partners, accelerating the timeline for industry acceptance of graphene technologies.

With applications in everything from energy and transportation to electronics and biomedicine, graphene and other 2D materials are changing the way we live and work. The European Commission’s FET Flagships enable research projects on an unprecedented scale. With €1 billion budgets, the Graphene Flagship, Human Brain Project and Quantum Flagship serve as technology accelerators, helping Europe to compete with other global markets in research and innovation. With an additional €20 million investment, the European Commission has now funded the creation of an experimental pilot line for graphene-based electronics, optoelectronics and sensors.


