H2C Group

H2C Group


The H2C Group supports corporate clients in the water & wastewater treatment industries with comprehensive go-to-market launch strategies, global branding initiatives and fully integrated product marketing programs that leverage each company's intellectual assets, operational strengths and long-term goals to establish differentiation in the market. 

Our organization was founded by veteran marketing professionals with experience spanning mid to large-scale and start-up environments, able to strategically support an organization’s growth through the various stages of maturity. 

We are not just an agency. We are business partners who share your passion and understanding for the challenges within the water & wastewater treatment sectors. Whether your company is an industry-established player or venturing to commercialize new technologies, the H2C Group can help you develop your marketing strategy and ensure that your products and services are promoted to the right people in the right markets with a laser-sharp focus on the bottom line. 

We know marketing
We know strategy
We know communications
We know water

