
3. Availability
We guarantee prompt availability of our products with an excellent network of local partners and warehouses.

4. Brand Management
We have an outstanding international brand for valves and pipe connections in the water supply chain and care for this brand continuously.

5. Customer Focus
We are guided by customer requirements and invest into in a common long-term future with a long durability of our products.

6. Employee Focus
We are part of the Hawle team based on open communication and support employees by continuous professional education.

7. Supplier Care
We care for a long-term business relation with reliable premium suppliers to ensure our competitiveness.

8. Environment and Safety
We commit ourselves to environmentally aware and safe acting as well as thinking in all our business

9. Energy Efficiency

We are committed to continuous improvement of energy performance, including energy efficiency, energy usage and energy consumption.

10. Occupational Health and Safety
We are committed to act responsibly with regard to the health and safety of our employees.
