Hawthorne Water Purification LLC


The Hawthorne RFS (Reverse Flow Separation) Unit is unlike any other water purification system in the world!
Others use filtration, heavy chemical usage, evaporation, distillation, but they all use huge amounts of energy, have a high cost of operation, and for the most part, are inefficient.
The Hawthorne System, based on MHD Technology (Magneto Hydro-Dynamics), actually causes the water movement to create its own electrical current, then curved magnetic fields, and as the water reaches the top, it passes through gravitational pockets, (or anti-gravitational), which confuses the electrons' orbit around the nucleus of the chemical. This results in the chemical bond being weakened or broken, and as the water leaves the RFS, the chemicals immediately begin to drop out of suspension! All this with no electricity, no filters or membranes, and no moving parts.

