Project: "Water Is life, Festival " International Water Fair in Africa ! Your are invited to participate !

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Project: "Water Is life, Festival "  International Water Fair in Africa !  Your are invited to participate !

The Water Is Life project is a programme that supports measures to ensure the minimum necessary for human survival and sustainable development and thus to improve the living conditions of the population, in particular the most disadvantaged, including the poor, women and their children, orphans and street children, young people and people with or without disabilities, the elderly, refugees and the destitute. The project aims primarily at improving the supply of quality drinking water, the general water supply system, sanitation and hygiene as well as the protection, management, development and sustainable use of natural resources.

In the rural areas targeted by the project, as well as in agricultural areas, we want to improve in 34% of the establishments and public spaces including, good public fountains, central water supply sources, drinking water supply and sanitation while starting with educational institutions, orphanages, and centers for disabled and elderly people, health centers or hospitals, water points and public markets, as well as communes and villages, while targeting first the most critical sites. 

Concrete objective: To promote capacity building measures for (1) the collection, treatment, distribution and sustainable use of water, (2) preserving water quality, (3) improving hygiene, (4) educational measures on the subject and other ecological solutions, (5) drainage,  the cleaning and processing of waste water, (6) the rehabilitation or construction of water purification, drainage and sewerage systems, (7) the recycling and recovery of collected materials, (8) improving and preserving  water quality, (9) ensuring sustainable water management, and (10) the development and implementation of water management policies, (11)  access to safe drinking water, good hygiene conditions, healthy sanitation and environmental protection, 

Our main target group: underprivileged children and young people, disabled and elderly people, single women and children, indigenous refugee families, etc.

More than 70% of the population still does not have access to water, 80% of the diseases suffered by Cameroon's young population are caused by water and poor hygiene. More than 41% of the population under 14 years old. Due to the heavy rainy season the land is often flooded.


Projet country: Cameroon

Target region; 6 region Cameroons,  Population: 27.000.000,00 

Potential investment: very high and in all sectors

Project Partner local: National & International television,   SME, , ONG,  12 Ministry of Cameroun ( are involved in the realization of the project)


The project will be broadcast on the international and national channels .

We are looking for: strategical, Investment, Enterprise, partnership and cooperation 

who are interested to promote their product or services during

the Water festival & Campaign Programm


The project is being carried out in several stages (6 phases):


in our  2nd Phase,  "Campaign".

one of the mesure is to improve a WaterFestival and campaign program in the country 

Its aim is.......

  1. to mobilise, raise mass awareness and involve the target groups in the development of their country by pooling the Water they Life project.
  2. to put at their disposal the infrastructures, equipment, materials, knowledge and know-how necessary to enable a structural and sustainable improvement in their commune.
  3. but also to offer to the international and national actors working in the fields of intervention of the project to present services, products, models, models, museums, among others, museums of filtration, distribution or treatment systems.
  4. to improve networking, partnership, exchange, investment.
  5. to improve innovation, research and green engineering awards by students, schoolchildren, or independent young researcher

Intervention zone : Water management , Water supply treatment and distribution, Water quality,  Water technology management and valorisation of natural resources, waste management, renewable energy (solar, wind, biofuel, wave), sanitation, hygiene, city building, environment, health, sustainable architecture and agriculture, infrastructure, equipment, services, education, employment, project management 


the festival should take place on  the 22 Mars 2020

on the World Water Day




Attached link

