Hydroviv - Tailored Tapwater Drinking Water Filter

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Hydroviv - Tailored Tapwater Drinking Water Filter

iZWWdWP.pngThese filters remove lead and chromium-6.

Different cities have different contaminants in their tap water. Unlike "One-size-fits-all" products, Hydroviv's Tailored Tapwater™ System is the only water filter optimized to fix the problems with YOUR city's water.

When you order a system from Hydroviv, we scour water quality databases to identify problems with your water (based your shipping address), and then optimize the filter accordingly. All systems protect against lead.  

The Tailored Tapwater System is designed for DIY installation in 15-30 minutes.  It uses screw on, screw off hose connections that do not damage your existing plumbing. If you decide to move, the system is easily uninstalled so you can take it to your next address!  

Expected cartridge lifetime is 6 months, replacement cartridges can be found HERE

This kit includes everything you'll need to install your system.

