IDEA Universal

IDEA Universal


IDEA Universal  I International Development and Environment Association 

IDEA Universal is an international development NGO with an innovative community led approach. We contribute United Nations "Sustainable Development Goals" by bringing holistic and sustainable solutions to global water, food, energy education challenges in order to achieve socially, economically and environmentally secure livelihoods.  We work alongside international and local organisations as well as government institutions to lift our impact.  

IDEA Universal has developed " Smart Villages" model which is being implemented on Unguja and Pemba Islands Of Zanzibar, Tanzania. The model brings a holistic and sustainable solution to the most vulnerable communities. RED CROSS Tanzania and ZAWA are officially involved in planning, implementation and sustainability processes. It includes drilling a high standard borehole, solar powered water distribution network, community garden, solar irrigation, hygiene trainings, sustainable farming trainings, seed support, and solar kits for each houses.

