
Idom was founded in 1957, as a result of the effort and unifying work of the engineer Rafael Escolá (Barcelona 1919 - Bilbao 1995).

With the support and help of Luis Olaortúa (1932-2003) and other young engineers, Rafael Escolá made Idom what it is today; an Association of professionals, united by work and the common ownership of the firm, cooperating together to achieve greater human and professional development , while offering the best service to the Client.

Escolá and Olaortúa were pioneers in providing professional and independent engineering services , in an era when engineers worked, for the most part, as employees of large industrial firms.

Responding to evolving markets and the new requirements of clients means that IDOM is on a path of permanent growth, both in terms of the services offered and the professionals which make up the firm.

This has resulted in the evolution of Idom into a leading, Multidisciplinary Group where more than 2,500 professionals work, located in 34 offices spread over 16 countries across 5 continents.
