FREE WEBINAR: How to Improve Data Quality for Better Water Disinfection Process Control

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FREE WEBINAR: How to Improve Data Quality for Better Water Disinfection Process Control



On-Demand Webinar: Learn more about primary and secondary disinfection methods with a deeper focus on the benefits and challenges of chlorination and chloramination. 


You can’t control what you aren’t measuring, and accurate data is critical to optimizing the drinking water treatment process. This webinar will cover primary and secondary disinfection methods with a deeper focus on the benefits and challenges of chlorination and chloramination. We’ll also explore monitoring for consistent data collection and reliable disinfection process control.


This webinar will include:

Who Should Attend

Presenter Bios

Scott Kahle is VP of Process Analysis at ChemScan, Inc, an In-Situ brand. As principal design engineer for the ChemScan product line, he developed and installed instrumentation for wastewater treatment using biological and chemical nutrient removal processes and for water treatment using the chloramination disinfection process in many major North American metropolitan areas. He has led multiple U.S. patents including “Water Chloramination Control Process.”
