


Klearia is a spin-off born at the Laboratory for Photonics and Nanostructures (LPN-CNRS) from the discovery of an innovative technology for bonding glass microfluidic chips.

Klearia overcomes a major technological limitation by bonding at a low temperature between 100°C and 300°C and succeed in integrating a wider range of materials and devices. For example, our exclusive and patented technology lets us develop carbon instrumentations on a chip and potentially nanostructured metallic structures. 

Biology, health, environment and agrofood are sectors able to be very interested in the development of microfluidic sensors allowing electrochemical detection. This innovation permits a complete process to be performed inside the chip. You can find an adapted solution to your microfluidic needs through our custom made services of designing and developing. Klearia assiduously works to create valuable new products and processes. With expertise, Klearia aims to answer sustainable development problematics of responsible chemistry and conservation of natural resources.

