MCM GreenMan Water Filtration and Recycling (WAFAR) System

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MCM GreenMan Water Filtration and Recycling (WAFAR) System

WAFAR (the MCM GreenMan WAter Filtration And Recycling System) can be used for a single house or for multiple homes (scaled up versions) and is designed to minimise total water usage by reusing grey water.

WAFAR can harvest rainwater and also use other sources for topping up the system (rivers, ponds, wells, mains) and recycles all the grey water from the home for re-use in the home to potable standards (black water is separately managed).

This is achieved through an integrated filtration system, enabling people and communities in areas where access to water is difficult, to have accessible clean water at all times.

The standard household system includes a 1,000 litre grey water tank, a 500 litre rainwater catchment tank and a 500 litre clean water tank. Grey water and harvested / externally sourced top up water is filtered through a series of filter types including membrane, RO, UV and other filters before being re-mineralised before use.

This ensures that the water is completely filtered for both contaminants and bacteria plus has essential minerals available to the residents.