Media for community empowerment

Media for community empowerment


Media for Community Empowerment (MACS), is a nongovernmental organization which was founded in 2018 and was legally registered in 2019 with the Reg. No. 00NGO/R/0044 under the NGOs Act No. 24 of 2002, section 11 (1) and 17 (2) Tanzania Laws.

The Organization is based in Tanga urban district in Tanga region. The organization focuses on facilitating, promoting, inspiring and empowering the community through media especially community radios that help citizens to identify societal challenges and amplify their voices by broadcasting their views, enabling to ask their government response and transform their livelihood.

Our organization is made of a combination of Journalists and Certified Facilitators of Organization Learning and Development who have experience in areas such as Strategic Media for Development, Training and coaching using Emotional Intelligence approach, Investigative Journalism and Digital Media.

MACS has an experience of working on various projects that empowered the communities such as Water Crisis, Unemployment issue, Health and Education, team building, writing for Development, theater and film for development. The organization also advocates against harmful traditional practices such as teen pregnancies, early marriages, Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG), Violence against Children (VAC), Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), and Gender Based Violence (GBV).

SautiYangu (My Voice) Radio show is one of our important project that enabled access to water in Morogoro, Mtwara, Tanga, and Dodoma.

This unique and powerful show aim to engage citizens, amplify their voices and asking for the government response for solving water crisis in rural areas. The 30 minutes program explore rural citizen’s water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) facing Tanzania.