Naireeta Services Private Limited (NSPL)

Naireeta Services Private Limited (NSPL)


About NSPL

Naireeta Services Private Limited (NSPL), established as a for-profit entity in India in 2011, functions as a social enterprise with a dedicated mission of Antyodaya i.e., serving the last person in the queue in the best possible ways.

With its globally acclaimed innovation “BHUNGROO®” and “Women Climate Leaders”, Naireeta is enabling its clients/partners/associates/ supporters to minimize their Water footprints, Carbon footprints, storing of Rainwater, better carbon sequestration and better soil productivity to name a few. In simpler words, Naireeta is ensuring sustainability to mother earth within attainment of Sustainable Development Goals of 1, 2, 5 & 13 to name a few.


BHUNGROO®, innovated and designed by Biplabketan Paul, is a novel technology towards stormwater management. Termed colloquially as ‘a Big Straw,’ the technology is underpinned by the scientific principles of ASR (aquifer storage and recovery), MARR (managed aquifer recharge and recovery), and VD (vertical drainage).

BHUNGROO® integrates comprehensive geophysical and geological analyses, coupled with data simulation techniques, to selectively filter, inject, and store excess stormwater (post filtration) in subsoil formations via a tailormade/optimal assembly of casings.

Each Bhungroo unit, occupying a mere one to two square meters of surface area, demonstrates an exceptional capacity to conserve an annual volume ranging from one to four million liters of water within its subsurface zone. To date, the development and operationalization of seventeen distinct technical designs have been executed, specifically tailored to cater to the needs of women smallholders in diverse agroclimatic zones spanning India, Bangladesh, Ghana, and Vietnam.

