Proposal for Ozone Generator for Doing Laundry

Published by for Nascent Services

Proposal for Ozone Generator for Doing Laundry
We intend to order an ozone generator for LG model WM3670H*HWA Washer that is used in the laboratory for recycling and reusing gray water. The washer uses approximately 20 gallons of water in 45 minutes cycle and storage tank capacity is 35 gallons. Water cycles system about 50 minutes and is stored in the tank till next laundry. We need a generator with two ozone output because we will use ozone for both doing laundry and oxidize water pollutants in the water recycling system. If you can offer price for such a generator with two ozone output please contact me via We would like to order the generator from U.S.A. based companies since the project is for R&D and we may need after-sales support from the manufacturer. Thank you in advance.
