Natural Impact Group

Natural Impact Group


Natural Impact Group is a world first Environmental Impact Nursery™. We specialise in Natural Capital. ​ Model: Business-for-Purpose & Regenerative Capital Mandate: To develop new IP and business models that mitigate harmful greenhouse gas emissions and protect biodiversity. Mission: To make the business of sustainability the best performer of any investment class through the provision of qualified SDG, ESG and RI deal flow for institutional investors. The Environmental Impact Nursery™ is a completely new construct in Environmental Impact Investing. We are not an incubator, accelerator, VC or fund. The closest model is an innovation lab with elements of venture philanthrophy and fund management. We use a group structure to provide long term patient capital to deliver new IP and business models for environmental solutions and sustainable development. Fundamentally, our purpose and structure provides an objective methodology to mobilise & regenerate capital, measure impact easily, eliminate greenwashing & mitigate mission drift. "Our vision is a world where every human understands and values the importance of Natural Capital...and acts accordingly!" - Rod Holden, Founder

