Global Alert - Floating Trash, Introduction

Published on by for Ocean Recovery Alliance

Global Alert - Floating Trash, Introduction

Global Alert Platform

The Global ​Alert app ​allows the ​world to now ​report trash ​hotspots in ​their waterways ​and coastlines ​anywhere in the ​world, giving ​valuable images ​and information ​to stakeholders ​there who can ​then better ​prevent, ​recovery, re-​mediate and ​make long term ​solutions for ​reduction of ​plastic waste. ​  Anyone ​can use the app ​(on both app ​stores), or you ​can use the ​website and ​load photos ​from your ​camera, and ​geotag them to ​the right ​locations on ​the map.  ​     

This is a ​Clinton Global ​Initiative ​project, and ​was partly ​funded by the ​World Bank's ​Global ​Partnership for ​Oceans. ​

Launch Video -​GlobalAlertLaunch​ 

Intro Video -​GlobalAlertIntro1​ 

Attached link